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Health Coaching

Holistic health coaching takes a whole-person approach to understand and address all aspects of your life and lifestyle. We bring awareness to your nutrition and your habits and guide you in optimizing your wellbeing, especially during the important years of conception, pregnancy, and postpartum. ​

Available to you wherever you are, so you can comfortably and conveniently access the support you need to achieve holistic balance. 

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What to expect:  Health Coaching

  1. Begin with an initial phone or video consultation to establish readiness to take responsibility and commitment to make and sustain changes in at least one health-related area

  2. Clients need to be ready to invest in their health and show up and do the work to achieve their goals for health-related improvements

  3. Engage with Mindy in person or online in one-on-one or group appointments in the comfort of your home and at a time that is optimal for you

  4. Receive the tools, resources, and encouragement from Mindy to stay motivated and accountable for your health goals


"In our sessions, I guide my clients to find the motivation and energy to do the activities they love. We will collaborate to identify ways to move forward and navigate roadblocks. Clients will be guided in connecting the dots between who they are and who they want to be. I provide support to my clients to build a vibrant and balanced life. Together we will work on optimal movement/fitness, nutrition, stress management, hormone balance, sleep, and mindfulness."  — Dr. Mindy Porter

Personal Health Coaching Packages at Thrive!

We offer 3-month (6 sessions) or 6-month (12 sessions) options for both individuals and groups. These packages include the following:


  • Every other week 1-hour personal coaching sessions or group sessions

  • Access to the "Thrive! Workbook" prior to our first meeting

  • Access to the "Thrive! Manual and Tool Kit" that we will work through together

  • Access to personal messaging service to connect with Mindy

  • Post-session recap email after every session with reminders and notes about action items discussed during the session

If you are interested in working on your health goals in a group session, you may also be interested in our Group Wellness Workshops.

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